- What are the steps to follow to make a delivery?
- The customer hasn't given me a validation code. What do I do?
- What should I do when I get to the pick-up point?
- Should the customer help me carry shopping up?
- How can I find out the weight and size of the order?
- Does Shopopop provide cool bags or other bags?
- How do I cancel a delivery?
- What do I do if there's a problem during my delivery?
- What to do when the recovered order contains more packs than what was indicated in the delivery details?
- What should I do when my GPS does not recognize the customer's address?
- What if the customer is absent during a delivery?
- What should I do with the bags from the store?
- What if the volume or number of packs is wrong?
- What should I do when I've completed my delivery?
- My delivery has been deleted, what should I do?
- The code is wrong. What do I do?
- I have completed my delivery but I do not see where to enter my validation code, what should I do?